Researchers Center: Atmos Strategic Monitoring


Sample: 3a4f2b888296fe9622b5f1410274d0341283cd1d
SHA256: de602e0920cce04bb210adafb2d34ebb079eb0bb4cd6b71974532ee4022ef299
Request: Tayuya [2016/10/03 - 22:10:28]
Decryptor logs:
DEBUG:root:[*] get base config & several params
DEBUG:root:[*] found base config at RVA:0x000059b0, RA:0x000059b0
DEBUG:root:[*] found login key: 3533334439323236453443314345304139383135444245423139323335414534
DEBUG:root:[*] use RC4 key at (base config + 0x00000157)
DEBUG:root:[*] found following xor key for AES plus:
DEBUG:root:[62, 74, 187, 1, 132, 27, 178, 152, 18, 43, 181, 239, 177, 190, 209, 113]
DEBUG:root:[*] found RC4 salt: 0xF2C9CDEF
DEBUG:root:[*] found xor key using after Visual Decrypt: 0xF2C9CDEF
DEBUG:root:C&C found:
DEBUG:root:[*] try to unpack
DEBUG:root:[*] decrypt data using following key:
DEBUG:root:[101, 179, 83, 115, 27, 254, 56, 161, 222, 77, 101, 39, 70, 114, 188, 41, 151, 188, 151, 53, 135, 38, 253, 64, 152, 8, 142, 50, 153, 131, 179, 178, 146, 194, 205, 246, 217, 146, 64, 173, 43, 9, 90, 141, 23, 106, 155, 113, 236, 176, 242, 230, 219, 153, 60, 22, 149, 130, 66, 136, 241, 218, 196, 218, 193, 92, 113, 255, 75, 52, 78, 29, 189, 247, 246, 35, 29, 251, 87, 37, 218, 119, 119, 130, 201, 23, 147, 137, 62, 15, 185, 216, 176, 120, 2, 164, 163, 238, 136, 243, 160, 26, 27, 3, 148, 224, 156, 38, 255, 102, 173, 144, 58, 243, 15, 107, 68, 127, 126, 86, 112, 189, 50, 122, 196, 231, 160, 98, 60, 150, 122, 156, 200, 76, 251, 24, 17, 111, 207, 238, 38, 151, 200, 202, 223, 230, 54, 219, 145, 103, 57, 198, 78, 141, 123, 245, 2, 63, 187, 80, 195, 233, 203, 78, 41, 210, 67, 146, 177, 155, 47, 96, 154, 113, 0, 203, 136, 157, 97, 155, 85, 227, 255, 187, 15, 72, 31, 85, 237, 160, 133, 6, 233, 80, 183, 111, 162, 34, 89, 241, 139, 1, 40, 20, 180, 58, 152, 205, 206, 104, 190, 1, 191, 30, 75, 10, 0, 246, 231, 61, 244, 42, 229, 21, 13, 144, 96, 171, 9, 143, 108, 92, 40, 87, 240, 126, 100, 168, 21, 123, 157, 207, 175, 199, 107, 90, 169, 148, 94, 135, 233, 100, 121, 70, 137, 88]
DEBUG:root:[*] try to AES+ decryption
DEBUG:root:[*] use following AES key:
DEBUG:root:[120, 172, 1, 60, 137, 17, 76, 29, 42, 192, 112, 5, 103, 92, 36, 116]
{'login_key_hexed': '3533334439323236453443314345304139383135444245423139323335414534', 'base_key': {'y': 104, 'x': 82, 'state': [101, 155, 56, 189, 145, 54, 143, 251, 160, 157, 253, 218, 156, 90, 77, 231, 243, 188, 151, 53, 135, 38, 101, 64, 152, 8, 142, 50, 153, 131, 179, 178, 146, 194, 205, 246, 217, 146, 64, 173, 43, 9, 90, 141, 23, 106, 155, 113, 236, 176, 242, 230, 219, 153, 60, 22, 149, 130, 66, 136, 241, 39, 196, 218, 193, 92, 113, 255, 75, 52, 78, 29, 189, 247, 246, 35, 29, 251, 87, 37, 218, 119, 119, 130, 201, 23, 147, 137, 62, 15, 185, 216, 176, 120, 2, 164, 163, 238, 136, 243, 222, 26, 27, 3, 148, 224, 156, 38, 255, 102, 173, 144, 58, 151, 15, 107, 68, 127, 126, 86, 112, 115, 50, 122, 196, 231, 160, 98, 60, 150, 122, 70, 200, 76, 161, 24, 17, 111, 207, 238, 38, 151, 200, 202, 223, 230, 254, 219, 27, 103, 57, 198, 78, 141, 123, 245, 2, 63, 187, 80, 195, 233, 203, 78, 41, 210, 67, 146, 177, 155, 47, 96, 154, 113, 0, 203, 136, 188, 97, 179, 85, 227, 255, 187, 15, 72, 31, 85, 237, 160, 133, 6, 233, 80, 183, 111, 162, 34, 89, 241, 139, 1, 40, 20, 180, 58, 152, 205, 206, 104, 190, 1, 191, 30, 75, 10, 0, 246, 41, 61, 244, 42, 229, 21, 13, 144, 96, 171, 9, 83, 108, 92, 40, 87, 240, 126, 100, 168, 21, 123, 157, 207, 175, 199, 107, 114, 169, 148, 94, 135, 233, 100, 121, 70, 137, 88], 'z': 116}, 'xor_key': '>J\xbb\x01\x84\x1b\xb2\x98\x12+\xb5\xef\xb1\xbe\xd1q', 'urls': ['|file=us.xml'], 'base_config_hexed': '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', 'salt': '\xef\xcd\xc9\xf2'}
Tools: [Hybrid] [MDB]

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